Update 1/7 – The project RULIERD Started
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the Journal of the Action.
In these first four months many activities have been done to pursue the effectively
ambitions of the project.
The first important achievement is certainly the creation of this website where the
results of the project will be publicized.
Between the 12 and the 13 of September 2024 I attended the 41 st Annual Conference of
the European Association of Law & Economics hosted by the University of Turin, which
was a good opportunity to draw inspiration from the presentations given by some
among the most reputed scholars in the field of law and economics.
During the month of October, I also gave my first two lessons in the field of international
economic law, which is an excellent occasion to deepening my understanding of this
interesting subject through, both, the preparation of the lecture and the fruitful dialogue
with the students.
I am keeping on reviewing the literature available on the issue of reverse discrimination,
both from juridic and economic points of view to extract suitable material for the
preparation of the deliverables planned in RULIERD.
Next update will come at the end of January 2025.